EHow.com for Saving Money on Your Home

Posted by Caroline on 9:00 AM in , , ,
EHow.com is a great resource for saving money when repairing, decoring or renovating your home.

Here are a few articles that I think could really help you save money. I have also written some articles, that you may find helpful. You can also make some money writing articles and spread your knowledge with the world.

Home Repair
Home Decor
Some of My Articles
Hopefully you'll be able to get some answers to your home improvement questions.
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New Years Resolutions

Posted by Caroline on 9:00 AM in , , ,
I've been thinking alot about what my goals should be for the new year and I have finally come up with a few goals that I think will work for me.

  1. Workout more
  2. Read 100 books
  3. Have more fun!
  1. Reach 200 followers
  2. Make at least $1 a day
  3. Try to post at least 3 times a week (if not more)
  1. Continue with Grad School
  2. Travel more
  3. etc...
I hope that I will reach these goals, while entertaining and inspiring all my readers.
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