New Blog Venture

Posted by Caroline on 2:10 PM
So it's been a few years since I have posted on any of my blogs. Took a break to have a child and get a Masters in Teaching Art. Now that I am a stay-at-home Mom I decided to start up again. I have a new blog called Hooked on Pinterest

I am addicted to Pinterest, really addicted. I've started this blog as a way to record my experience with my Pinterest projects and share them with all of you. I will post my successes and my failures and everything in-between. I hope you enjoy my Pinterest journey.


Hooked on Pinterest


Day 23: Shelf Liners, How to Clean Cabinets, Glass Fronts and Hardware

Today, I tackled a few of the kitchen cleaning how tos and I added shelf liners to my cabinets. 

After reading Martha's section on shelf liners I decided that parchment paper would work for my cabinet shelves. This was the most economical choice and the easiest choice for me to find near me, since parchment paper is sold in most supermarkets.

The first thing that I did was empty my cabinets, I took this time to get rid of anything that was expired or I did not use anymore. Next I washed the cabinets using Martha's recommendations, warm water mixed with mild dishwashing liquid and a soft sponge. 

I washed the hardware using the same solution. This was relatively easy, the solution was strong enough to get rid of the dirt but, weak enough to not damage the cabinets or hardware. I used a glass cleaner for the two glass front cabinets in my kitchen.

After drying the cabinets with a soft cloth I inserted the parchment paper.

The last step was to stock the shelves. The whole process took a little over an hour. The next time that I do this it should take less time because the parchment paper should grab most of the dirt instead of the dirt ending up on the cabinets.
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Day 17: Kitchen Organizing

Kitchen Organizing

Organizing has always been easier for me than cleaning. After reading Martha's recommendations on organizing in the kitchen, I found that I was on the right track. Martha recommends organizing your kitchen for what works for you, there is no wrong way, it is meant to make your life easier.

Here are a couple of Martha's tips that I chose to follow:
Stacking pots and pans so that they take up less space in your drawers/shelves.

Keeping all your like items together in one area of the kitchen. This is a spice rack that my Dad built for us one christmas I have it right next to my range. This allows me easy access to spices while I'm cooking.

Use a drawer organizer for storing your silverware.

I do find that when my home is organized I am less stressed and have more time. Having a place for everything makes it easier to keep everything organized.
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Day 16: Kitchen Layout & Kitchen Cleaning Kit

I'm back, sorry I've been absent for the last few days, I had a few things for Grad School I had to take care of and some of my Husband's family was visiting over the weekend. I was able to keep up with the daily Martha tasks but was unable to get a chance to blog.

Today's topics are the Kitchen Layout and the Kitchen Cleaning Kit. 

Kitchen Layout

My Kitchen

As you can see above my kitchen is a combination of a galley and open kitchen plan. This layout effects my kitchen's triangle. In a normal galley kitchen the two of the appliances would be on one wall and the last appliance would be between the other two on the opposite wall. My kitchen triangle is acute, in the future when we redo our kitchen I would love to have a more traditional triangle to work with.

Kitchen Cleaning Kit

Martha's kitchen cleaning kit is similar to the universal cleaning kit that I talked about eariler with a few added tools. Such as: dishwashing liquid, natural cleaners (baking soda, etc), kitchen brushes, and a toothbrush. She also suggests that you store all your cleaning materials in a bucket to make it easier to find and carry everything.
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